Ready for more ideas on using paint-coated stencils and masks (or pieces of them) as collage elements?
The above artwork, on stretched canvas, was created with stencils or masks designed by these 2 StencilGirl designers --
Curves (6" x 6") by Mary Beth Shaw
Undulating Line Waves (9" x 12") by Trish McKinney
For the art above, the technique I used is on a video that's included with the May 2019 StencilGirl StencilClub 3-piece stencil set. After that paint had dried, I used one of the stained stencils -- Curves -- as a collage piece. It's glued to the canvas at the middle left edge.
I took the same approach in developing the artwork below. But this time, I glued the stained stencils to the canvas first. Then I painted over them. Stencils used:
Valerie Sjodin's 9" x 12" Spirit Wind Mask
Trish McKinney's Criss-Cross Ribbon Swirls (9" x 12")
Below is an artwork created with several of my masks and stencils, including my Palm Fronds Silhouette series (which comes in 3 sizes -- 6" x 6" and 4" x 4" and 9" x 12".) The background had been developed using acrylic paints, molding paste and pastel crayons -- paired with my 6" x 6" Mimosa stencil, my 9" x 12" Mimosa stencil, and my 6" x 6" Kaleid stencil.
The next pair of photos show a diptych I created using 9" x 12" Soulful Scribbles stencils by Traci Bautista. My final step was to cut a pair of columns from two of Traci's paint-stained stencils, then to glue one onto each piece in the two-piece set (entitled Rainbow.)
In the above artwork, the background was created with a 9" x 12" StencilGirl stencil -- Letter Mania by Suzi Dennis. The acrylic paint-stained stencil filling the bulk of the area is my 9" x 12" Branching Blossoms Silhouette, which has been cut free from its outer border.
Today's final piece of art is a complex abstract on stretched canvas. My first step was to lay in a background using acrylic paints and acrylic-painted collage papers. Many of those papers had originally been printed with stencils and masks.
What followed was sorting thru my collection of paint-stained stencils and cutting them into shapes, before adding them as collage elements. These stencils included:
(1) my 6" x 6" Sassy Spray
(2) my 9" x 12" Prayer Flags
(3) my 9" x 12" It's a Jungle Out There
(4) my Palm Fronds Silhouette stencils (which come in 3 sizes -- 6" x 6" and 4" x 4" and 9" x 12".)
(5) my 6" x 6" Mimosa
(6) my 6" x 6" Small Dangled Pods (part of my 4-piece Pods series)
(7) 9" x 12" Web by Mary Beth Shaw
(8) 9" x 12" Soulful Scribbles stencils by Traci Bautista
(9) 6" x 6" MB Makes Marks Pipette by Mary Beth Shaw
Above: this artwork was juror-accepted for inclusion in the 2019 Open Juried Show at the Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury, NJ, and received the award of Best Acrylic Art of 2019. |
To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils and masks, please start here. Many thanks for stopping to visit my blog today!