Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Paint-stained but not yet ready to be put away, 9" x 12" Fire Cherries Mask has been placed atop an old calendar photo page previously covered in leftover acrylic paints --

I've daubed an opaque heavy-body acrylic paint -- Titan Buff by Golden Paints -- all across the mask and the paper beneath it:

Above:  This is what I saw when I lifted off the mask.  I could've stopped here, but ...

Above:  Barely visible on the left side of this photo, my 9" x 12" Longwood Florals Mask L675 lives overlapping a large area of the original print.

Below:  A close-up of this lower left area.


Above:  I've started to use Green Gold translucent acrylic paint (heavy-body) by Golden Paints, to make imprints on the blank areas of the Titan Buff coverage.

Below:  After I've used parts of 
Longwood Florals Mask L675 all the way around the Fire Cherries print, I've continued using Green Gold acrylic paint across the entire surface of the artwork.  The result is the finished artwork below--

My next project called for another altered page from an old picture catalog, so I used the paper you see below; but before I used it, I smeared some leftover green paints across it.

Above:  For this project, I used a sponge that came attached to a white plastic applicator wand (shown on the far right.)  After applying 2 colors of acrylic paint thru the mask (shown on the left), I kept the mask in place long enough to spray the substrate with aqua spray in a mister bottle paint (shown in the center of the photo above.)

Below:  The mask has been lifted off...

...and below is a close-up showing detail in one area of the finished painting.

 Today's third and final segment is a simple parade showing times that I've laid my paint-stained mask on backgrounds that bring out the best in them. 

I've been known to permanently glue a paint-stained mask or stencil -- or part of one -- to a background, call it an art collage, and set it inside a mat and frame.  But for the time being at least, these 5 stained masks have been only temporary placements.  It was fun to see them on these backgrounds.

Thank you kindly for coming to see my blog today!  To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl masks and stencils, please start here.

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