Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Scratching into Stencil Prints

 I'll admit, right off the bat, that I overdid my scratching in the samples I'm posting today!  

My goal had been to make a stencil print look less like a stencil print ... and to give it a somewhat vintage look.

And I'll surely do a less savage job of it, next time around!

In this post I'll show two canvases, both developed with the same combination of techniques, the same acrylic paints and the same color schemes.  

I worked on these canvases side-by-side.  While one canvas was drying, I worked on the other.  Going back and forth between the two, I eventually brought both to conclusion.

Before getting out the X-acto knife to give the scratched effect, I needed to develop backgrounds ....

Above:  One entire canvas, with two central vertical shapes created with parts of my 9" x 12" stencil Prayer Flags.  In the central area, I added  "chop marks" with acrylic paint on the edge of a piece of corrugated cardboard.

Above:  A close-up showing part of the Prayer Flags imprint as well as the chop marks.

Above:  This close-up shows a background as it's further developed, with the use of my 9" x 12" stencil It's a Jungle Out There.  (I've cut the stencil into pieces to make it easier for me to use parts of the stencil separately.)

Above:  Another area of the background, also developed with It's a Jungle Out There.

Above:  Here I have used my 9" x 12" stencil Thistle.  Clicking on this image to enlarge it, you can better see the areas where I've used the X-acto knife to make scratches thru the thistles.

Below are two more shots, one of each of the two canvases being developed side-by-side.

Above:  In making the thistle prints, I used the stencil 3 separate times, allowing the brown acrylic paint to dry between each application.  In this way, I was able to create an image in which the stems overlapped, altho the stencil itself does not show them overlapped.

Above:  Here on the other canvas, the thistles have been printed in the same side-by-side way as the original stencil has them.

Below is the 9" x 12" Thistle stencil itself --

The design also comes in a 6" x 6" version, Small Thistles --

Below is one of the two finished canvases.

The two stencils used to develop the backgrounds were --

9" x 12" Prayer Flags.

9" x 12" It's a Jungle Out There 

Thank you for stopping by today!  To scroll thru my stencils and masks at StencilGirlProducts.com, please start here.

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