Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Starbursts and More using the Masks LOOKING UP THROUGH TREES SMALL 6" X 6" and 9" x 12" LOOKING UP THROUGH TREES

Below is a print developed with my brand new 6" x 6" mask Looking Up Through Trees Small and my previously released 9" x 12" Looking Up Through Trees....

Above:  This acrylic paint print on watercolor paper has come thus far thru the use of both my 6" x 6" mask Looking Up Through Trees Small (mostly in the background) and my 9" x 12" Looking Up Through Trees (foreground.)

The more I worked with these two masks, the clearer it became that both designs are perfect for creating starburst effects; all that this takes is for the bottoms of the trunks to be left out.  The print above is one example; here's another --

-- and another:

Altho I came to love the starburst idea, I still at times revert to using the 6" x 6" mask Looking Up Through Trees Small to further explore abstract imagery of any kind ... just for the fun of the exploration, to see what surprises await me:

Below:  Another exploration; its first step was this multi-print made with Looking Up Through Trees Small ....

And its last step was to cut out one of the above prints and glue it to a background that had started life as a page in a picture calendar. Once the calendar was out of date, I added a layer of dark coral acrylic paint that matched that color in the multi-print above.

Above:  I call this Flight of Fancy Landscape, since my center-stage trees print is flanked by trees that had appeared in the original photo and are still visible, tho paint-veiled.

Many thanks for coming to look at my blog today!  To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl masks and stencils, please start here.