Friday, May 22, 2020

PALM FRONDS SILHOUETTE Prints on Old Catalog Pages

I continue to flip thru my collection of earlier art-making projects that'd called for my 6"X 6" mask Palm Fronds Silhouette Small and my 4"X 4" mask Palm Fronds Silhouette Mini.

 -- poking around to see what went well before this series became three in number, with the advent of.  

Unlike me, art-explorations never grow old!  Previous ideas can grow into ideas for new projects.  Right now I'm looking for inspiration to bring together all three masks in my palm-fronds series.  

The masks that helped me create the two art samples below are  the 6"X 6" mask Palm Fronds Silhouette Small and the 4" x 4" mask Palm Fronds Silhouette Mini, but they spark glimpses into the future when I'll use these smaller masks with L791 Palm Fronds Silhouette (9" x 12").

Both of these samples started as simple prints that I made on pages of am old clothing catalog.  I love receiving this catalog because its garments are always brilliant in color and design.  They make great backgrounds.

Above is one sample print, made with Palm Fronds Silhouette Small and (on the far right) the 4" x 4" mask Palm Fronds Silhouette Mini More layers of acrylic paint will be added to this print with the 2-pronged goal of making the background somewhat less recognizable while retaining the bright colors and intriguing pattern.

Below is a greeting card cover made with a similar print:

Here the background is a large part of the original print (also made on a page of that clothing catalog.)  Over that, I've used a gluestick to add white lace-edged paper (source given below); and atop that are 3 butterfly images punched from another part of that same original print.

The butterflies were created with Bira Butterfly Craft Punch.

The lace-edged paper came from DIY Scrapbooking Lace Paper.

Thank you for taking time to stop here at my blog today!  To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl masks and stencils, please start here.

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